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We specialase in non-invasive, dry procedures performed by highly skilled foot care specialists who combine podiatry with nail care. Guaranteed to be safe and hygienic, it addresses issues such as: Athlete's foot. Our medical pedicure adheres to the highest levels of sanitation.
Clinically known as Heloma Durum, corns are common foot conditions that occur from repeated focal pressure on the foot, such as rubbing of the skin against a shoe, wearing no socks with shoes, or foot deformities. Women are more likely to develop corns due to wearing high heels and less supportive footwear than men.
The care of toenails and fingernails is often discarded as a minor aspect of personal care, even though having healthy and clean nails is hygienic and can prevent the onset of infections. Older individuals and those with disabilities or conditions can often find taking care of toenails particularly difficult. Toenails and fingernails protect the tips of toes and fingers from damage. They are made of a protein called Keratin and can provide an indication of general health.
Calluses are hard, thickened areas of skin that are generally not painful and don’t require treatment unless they are uncomfortable, painful, or limit your ability to comfortably wear shoes. This hardened skin is the body’s way of protecting itself from diffuse pressure or friction. Poorly fitted or worn footwear are a common cause. Some people with dry skin are predisposed to developing callus.
Verrucae are plantar warts that commonly occur on the soles of the feet or around the toe area. They are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which is highly contagious through direct person to person contact. There are various forms of HPV which all relate to various parts of the human body.
At the end of your treatment your feet will be creamed so that when leaving our clinic you will be "walking on air"
Complete Footcare also offer a range of Alternative and Complimentary Therapies
A professional & fully qualified podiatrist Bsc.(Hons (HPC registered) is now just a phone call away on: 028 9022 6544. We also offer a full range of alternative therapies including: Reflexology, Aromatherapy and Indian Head Massage.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about our services. One of our team will get back to you as soon as we can.
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